The Tax Gap - tax evasion in 2014 and what can be done about it

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This pamphlet is a summary of a new report ‘Tax Evasion in 2014 – and what can be done about it’ written for PCS and War on Want,by Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK.

It makes a new estimate of the tax gap,which continues to be significantly higher than the HMRC estimate. This estimate,which is £119.4bn for financial year 2013/14, includes reductions in the estimates of tax avoidance and tax debt,but a significant increase in the estimated tax loss from evasion.

It includes significant new data and a much more comprehensive analysis of tax evasion. It shows that tax evasion is higher than previously estimated. It concludes that the government should tighten up legislation and reverse the counterproductive cuts in HM Revenue and Customs staffing.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union – DCI-NSAED/2011/247. The contents are the sole responsibility of War on Want and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.