Securing Democracy in UK Trade Policy: Developing a transparent and democratic approach to trade agreements

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The UK Government has introduced a new Trade Bill, but provisions to make trade policy accountable to Parliament are sorely lacking and must be incorporated. The Government currently has unchecked powers to negotiate and ratify trade agreements in secret without public or Parliamentary oversight. This huge democratic deficit must be corrected.

As we saw through secretly negotiated deals, TTIP and CETA - both fully supported by the Government - trade agreements today affect many aspects of public policy, including jobs, the environment, health, public services and the future prospects of Southern countries.

We urgently need a democratic agenda for UK trade deals which prioritises the role of Parliament and the people.

*Co-published by War on Want, the Trade Justice Movement, Unison, Global Justice Now, Fairtrade Foundation, Friends of the Earth, Health Poverty Action, One World Week, Traidcraft Exchange, Cafod, and National Justice and Peace Network.